"Les P'tits Docs +": a + large format, + pages, + content for the + big ones! This book introduces you to mushrooms, mysterious living beings, neither animals nor plants, which are unlike any other in nature. Thanks to this book, you learn what essential role mushrooms play for the environment, some identification keys, how humans and animals cultivate them... In addition to their ecological role, some mushrooms are very useful: they are used to make bread and cheese, medicines or even materials to insulate houses! Living beings neither animals nor plants Mushrooms are living beings that are unlike any other in nature! When we talk about a "mushroom", we first think of a foot topped with a cap. In reality, this visible part is its "fruit". The mushroom itself is the mycelium, a network of very fine filaments that grows without light, in the ground or on a tree. Living beings to be preserved, which are becoming rare, because they are sometimes picked in too great a number and are also victims of global warming. "Les P'tits Docs +", docs to read alone After "Mes p'tits docs", this collection is intended for children who are beginning to read independently. More information, more pages, a larger book... but a documentary that still reads like a story. At the end of the book, an encyclopedic board with amazing mushrooms: the largest, one that glows in the night, one in the shape of coral, hairy ones, one that grows in dung...