The return to reality is rather abrupt for Léa the day after her success at the school fashion show. While Félix is in the process of converting into a woodsman and physics genius, she must deal with the very intrusive presence of Marianne, her NBFABBS (read new best friend and best sister-in-law), with her new feline nickname (thanks, Bibi!) and with a Marilou shaken by the arrival of Miss Universe in her native village. While she helps Mégane overcome difficult times and is racking her brains waiting for the CEGEP's response, Léa learns that the plans for the trip to Paris have changed and that she will be paired with Marion, a young French girl who worships modern art and abhors television. With the arrival of the handsome Benjamin, Alex's bizarre behavior and her linguistic debate with a Parisian waiter, it goes without saying that Léa's stay in the City of Lights promises to be eventful!