If we made a movie of my life based on the adventures that happened to me in the first two volumes, it would clearly be a comedy. There were too many improbable twists and turns for one person in such a short time. Too much is like not enough. Am I going to have to turn everyone against me to get rid of my Miss Perfect label?! After having fallen out with my friends and having attracted the wrath of Chloé, I have just royally put my foot in it again! I managed to argue with those who matter most to me: my sister Coralie, my big brother JP and Sophie-Rose, my best friend. Now, they all ignore me and are mad at me. By trying to stop being the girl who smiles and says yes to everything without flinching, I have only managed to hurt those I love and find myself (almost) all alone. Not to mention that Milan and Anthony expect me to make a choice...