Me (running after him): Wait! I'm not done yet! Jacob: I am. Me (walking beside him): I think you got the wrong impression of me. I don't want to win at all costs, you know. I just want to bring new ideas. Change things up, you know! Jacob (stopping to look at me): I can recognize girls like you from a thousand miles away. You think you can get away with anything because you're cute and everyone listens to you. Well, I have some news for you, Dylane Morin! I'm not going to give you a chance! I'm the one who's going to win this election! Because, unlike you, I have other priorities in life than makeup and clothes! Now, leave me alone, I have much more important things to do! Me (watching him leave, mouth hanging open): Seriously? You think I'm cute? He shook his head, without even taking the time to answer me.