Léa Olivier's life takes an unexpected turn when her parents tell her that she will have to leave her native village, her best friend Marilou-without whom-she-feels-like-an-alpaca-coming-out-of-the-dryer, and Thomas, her big-hearted-boyfriend-who-gets-a-little-too-much, to settle in Montreal.
In order to get used to the metropolis, her parents suggest that she stay there for a few days, but Léa quickly realizes that with her clumsiness worthy of that of a bear in a telephone booth and her keen sense of direction (#not), she is not as adapted to change as her big brother Félix-for-whom-life-is-always-simple.
In this volume zero, nine important characters from Léa's new reality will cross paths without even knowing that they will soon all become witnesses to her legendary blunders, as well as full members of her funny, touching... and always very complicated universe!