EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING ABOUT TOILETS. Pissing anecdotes. Impressive records. Historical highlights. Scientific information that is good to know or so useless (but really interesting, I promise!). And lots and lots of OMGs!!!. Big questions How many days will you spend on the toilet bowl in your life? How much excrement do you produce each year? How many rolls of toilet paper do you use in 365 days? Unusual stuff The guy who has a collection of 1,325 toilet seats. The 4.5 billion people around the world who don't have a toilet at home. People who are simply unable (or terrified!) to pee or poop anywhere other than at home. Enough to make you pissed The Romans who used pieces of ceramic to wipe their butts. The kings who died on the throne. The submarine that sank because of its toilet. . OMGGGG! This smells like a lot of fun and farts HAHA.