EDIBLE MUSHROOMS OF THE BOREAL FOREST is a popularized guide that presents 50 of the best-known and most appreciated mushrooms of this great ecosystem. These species are also found in the southern forests dominated by sugar maple. This reissue allows beginners to become experts and ensures greater security in identification: several photos of the same species taken at different ages and a section on lookalikes, these mushrooms that can deceive. This Guide demonstrates the importance of having access to the in-depth knowledge of great mycologists and popularizing it.
The palate will be seduced and the table impressed by proven recipes. MUSHROOMS BEING ESSENTIAL ALLIES in our INTERCONNECTED nature, this guide should amaze and bring changes in agricultural and forestry practices.
Roger Larivière is a retired biologist. In 2004, he founded his company Natur-AT, which specializes in inventorying terrestrial and aquatic plants and in workshops on edible plants and mushrooms. He became interested in the uses of plants by the Algonquins, publishing in 2013, Les richesses d'un peuple, les Abitibiwinnik de Pikogan. In 2019, he set up his publishing house dedicated to popularizing knowledge about plants and mushrooms in the boreal forest.
Jonathan Jensen-Lynch discovered his passion for mycology in the summer of 2015. He dove into it with such intensity that in 2016, he went into business with Vers Forêt, a Témiscamingue company that markets edible forest products. Discovering the world of wild mushrooms is a real treasure hunt where each species encountered arouses wonder. Quickly recognized by his peers, he was invited to give presentations at provincial mycologist gatherings.